New to Woods Hole this summer, the lobster taco is an inspired fusion of traditional Cape Cod with a dash of innovation from the surf shacks of Baha California.
Don't miss this treat, and much more at the all new Quicks Hole restaurant. Its on the ground floor of the Woods Hole Inn, right next to the t-shirt shop and facing the Martha's Vineyard ferry hides the hottest new joint in town. Word is leaking out about this place, and while it opens at 10 for lunch there is often a line of impatient ferry-goers at the door, jonesing for their fix that will be bagged and consumed on the the ferry. What's better than the upper deck of the "Island Home" with a lobster taco, a 360 degree view of the Sound and the gulls circling jealously overhead?
Also on the menu -- amazing local salads served in a fried tortilla bowl, rare yellowfin tuna burritos, sweet potato fries, hot chips with fresh salsas, made-to-order quacamole...see where we are going here?
Woods Hole Inn guests get a discount at Quicks Hole at check in.
See you soon!
Yum! Would love to try a lobster taco some day....