Woods Hole is filled with marine biologists, wooden boat builders and fisherman. If you ask a Woods Hole local, most will tell you that they do not own a TV. The movie theater is at least a half hour from here and dvd rentals are slow at the "Coffee O." Woods Hole is a place where pop culture is not much of a priority.
So when Steve Carell and his family drop in for a lobster taco at Quicks Hole restaurant, NOBODY RECOGNIZES HIM! That's right, it's seems most Woods Holies have never seen "The Office" or "The 40 Year Old Virgin" or "Little Miss Sunshine." So, Steve just wanders around, orders what he likes, sits and enjoys a cold brew -- whateva. No paparazzi, no autograph seekers, no lookie-loos.
Little known fact about most celebrities -- they like being ignored. It's a break from their public lives. Add to that the chance to nosh great local fare and boat in some of the world's best waters and you have catnip for the fabulous and famous. Steve and entourage wandered across Vineyard Sound from their family compound near Tashmoo, swam on a sandbar, toured Woods Hole Harbor and ate at Quicks Hole.
It was a fabulous and famous Woods Hole day.
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